We deeply apologize that we have been unable to refresh this new website since we launched it in the early days of December 2017. As you probably know, the Ministers Leadership Retreat, which is our most intensive meeting of the year happens in December. This was immediately followed by several internal meetings and retreats which only sandwiched the Christmas/New Year holidays. We further regret that we cannot yet announce the addition of any of the features we promised last time. The good news, however, is that there is now a little band of dedicated ICT ministers behind this effort and they are working hard to keep this “ministry on the rooftops” going and growing. We covet your prayers! This month opens with a fresh edition of our PHOTO JOURNAL on the process of death that releases abundance and fruitfulness. Anyone who is not willing to deny himself, decrease and decay into the soil of life, misses the opportunity of bringing much increase to the kingdom of God. GLEANINGS brin...
Showing posts from March, 2018